Olivastro from Bucchianico Olive Oil – Box 7

This exceptional olive variety is a true rarity, thriving exclusively in the hallowed grounds of Bucchianico (CH), a charming town just a stone’s throw from Chieti. This centuries-old cultivar boasts an upright stature and expansive foliage. After arduous efforts, we are proud to have successfully revived approximately 700 of these ancient olive trees. Each tree is meticulously nurtured in the Polyconic Vase method, preserving the essence of this unique variety. Since 2018, our commitment to Olivastro di Bucchianico has been recognized by Slow Food, a testament to our dedication to preserving culinary heritage. The journey ahead is a promising one, as we have plans to reclaim new Wild Olive Oil fields, ensuring the legacy of this exceptional olive variety!
Bottle in dark glass variety Olivastro from Bucchianico
Olive Oil Campaign 2023
Technical Features

Variety: monovarietal OLIVASTRO DI BUCCHIANICO.
Origin: Bucchianico (CH)
Sheet and Particle : Sheet No. 19 + Particle No. 00013-00015-00313 / Sheet No. 26 + Parcel No. 00044-00047-00052-04002-04097-04100
Harvesting system: electric harvesters and shaker
Harvest period: first week of October
Extraction method: 2-phase mill
Filtration: Yes
Storage: Stainless steel tanks inertized with nitrogen

Possible culinary combinations

Pasta with eggplants, boiled potatoes, cooked artichokes Surprisingly delightful with 60% dark chocolate

Medium sensory profile

Our monovarietal Olivastro di Bucchianico olive oil is renowned for its medium-intense sensory profile. It delights the palate with a harmonious blend of fruity, bitter, and spicy notes. The predominant sensation is the freshness of almonds, hints of grass, leaves, and artichokes.

source olimonovarietali.it