Dritta – Box 7
The consistent productivity and impressive oil yield, combined with the production of high-quality oil, render this variety exceptionally appealing.
The drupes mature early, and the plant exhibits moderate but robust growth with an expanded growth habit.
In 2023, a total of 400 plants were successfully recovered, and all of them have undergone pruning in a polyconical vase configuration.
Dark glass bottle Straight variety
Olive Oil Campaign 2023
Technical Features
Variety: monovarietal DRITTA
Origin: Francavilla al Mare (CH)
Sheet and Particle: Sheet 10 + Parcel 659
Harvest period: end of September
Extraction method: 2-phase mill
Filtration: Yes
Storage: Stainless steel tanks inertized with nitrogen
Possible culinary combinations
Bruschetta and vegetables. Velvety legume soups and grilled meats. Cantucci biscuits with chocolate chips or pistachios.
Medium sensory profile
source: olimonovarietali.it